p h i l o s o p h y
i n v e n t i o n | i n s p i r a t i o n | i m a g i n a t i o n
creating individual landscapes for individual needs
A T E L I E R | id thinks individuality is the magic of a diverse and cultured society.
We believe that expressing ourselves is the foundation for contentment in our own worlds.
Its individuality as a craft - illustrating your identity in your interior design!
We want to enhance your experience of a physical space in a positive manner - as your unique creative art.
It's all about the emotions a space can invoke and how it can ultimately make you feel.
We're all about aesthetics, performance and cohesion.
We want Form and Function to unite in a big warm hug!
Great design can deliver all of this!
Society of British & International Interior Design
The SBID represents a diverse professional community consisting of the industry's most skilled and proficient practitioners.
Katie is delighted at being SBID accredited as it is an institute that sets UK industry standards and champions competence and best practice around the world.
Achieving this status verifies the quality of Katie's interior design skills and services, and showcases
A T E L I E R | id 's commitment to industry excellence, as well as certifying Katie as a credible, highly trained practitioner.
British Institue of Interior Design
The BIID is committed to advancing professionalism, integrity and excellence in interior design, values that A T E L I E R | id wholeheartedly support.
Katie is a proud BIID Registered Interior Designer having demonstrated her expertise within the 8 core BIID competencies that meet the highest standard of professionalism.
The BIID partners with RIBA to provide structure, clarity and security for clients and designers alike to support all parties during the complexities of a build project.
Thames Valley Build & Design Live
A T E L I E R | id are thrilled at being a partner for Thames Valley Build & Design Live, a bi-annual event where Berkshire's finest Built Environment experts offer free advice and creative ideas to the community.
Bringing together a strong network of architects, builders, planners, landscapers, cabinet makers and specialist trades, alongside A T E L I E R | id , the aim is to take the overwhelm out of a build project.
Over the weekend long event the collective are available for one to one meetings so people can ask questions and be inspired!

"Design creates culture, culture shapes values,
values determine the future"